As a result of this effect, a single character can be added to a document in a short period of time while it is being edited by the software.

suraji / February 10, 2023

When I first opened chatgpt, I was interested in seeing typewriters, and then I became curious about typewriters and searched for various sources. Using Javascript, I try to implement this. and then

What is typewriter

A typewriter is a mechanical device that is used to type text on a screen. Several keypad buttons have letters, numbers, and symbols on their surfaces, which are pressed to write characters on a screen that moves beneath the rollers.

Typewriters: why use them

By making visitors focus on a single character for a designated period of time, this effect can enhance user engagement with web content and the page.


typing animation


Here's an example of how you can create a typewriter effect in React:

  1. Create a state to store the current text to be displayed on the screen:
const [displayedContent, setDisplayedContent] = useState("");
  const [index, setIndex] = useState(0);
  1. Create an variable content & speed to store the texts that you want to display one by one:
let content = 'please visit'
  let speed = 100
  1. Use the useEffect hook to handle the animation:
useEffect(() => {
    const animKey = setInterval(() => {
      setIndex((index) => {
        if (index >= content.length - 1) {
          return index;
        return index + 1;
    }, speed);
  }, [content.length, speed]);

  useEffect(() => {
      (displayedContent) => displayedContent + content[index]
  }, [content, index]);
  1. Use the state in your component's render method to display the current text:
return <div>{displayedContent}</div>;

This code will display the texts one by one with a typing effect, with a delay of 100ms pause between each text. You can adjust the delay and pause times to suit your needs.


By making visitors focus on a single character for a designated period of time, this effect can enhance user engagement with web content and the page.